SCIM = System for Cross-domain Identity Management

SCIM is an open standard designed to manage user identity information. SCIM provides a defined schema for representing users and groups, and a RESTful API to run CRUD operations on those user and group resources.


Scim Settings

Create a properties file in config folder of the application \Bwiseconfig\config\

In properties files add the following settings.

scim.authentication=header token

scim.userstore = Bwise
scim.groups.enabled = true

#label is username----> this will allow you to map the user inforation from Active directory into the application
scim.mapping.label= userName
scim.mapping.firstName= name=givenName
scim.mapping.lastName= name=familyName emails.value|type=work


#system role that will assign to newly created user

scim.create-user.default-roles= $AAUser,$Administrator,$AssessmentManager,$AssessmentValidator,$AuditManager,$Auditor,$Builder,$CMAdmin,$CMViewer,$ConfigurationManager,$Dashboard,$DashboardManager,$DataFeedManager,$LimitedUserManager####,$ReportManager,$SODManager,$SODViewer,$SolutionAdministrator,$TeamMate,$TeamMateManager,$UCFImporter,$UCFImportManager,$UniverseViewer

#system role that will assign to a user from active directory which is mapped to the user in application based on its mapping configuration

scim.groups.enabled = true from active directory env).=Corporate Approver(from application)

Note: When scim.create-user.default-roles= $AAUser,$Administrator is active you should not activate the scim.groups.enabled = true property or inverse.


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